Next voyage: Colombia via Bogota
On March 22 I fly through the USA to Bogota, Colombia’s capital city. This is primarily an adventure and product development trip.
I have only been to Colombia once before, in 2010, when I was invited by the government of Antioquia (Medellin) to discuss tourism development near the Panamanian border (Re: Darien Gap).
So as Finn will be travelling to Australia with his mom, this is my opportunity to go back and explore a little further. After sometime in the highlands, I will travel down to the coast and will somehow make my way to Panama City – where my flight departs from!
Colombia is big and increasingly safer than in the past, but I will pick my route based on time, activities, safety and a real desire to learn more about a beautiful country finally emerging from years of civil war. I promise to be safe!
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