Alberta Election – a positive future

2019 Provincial General Election Election day is Tuesday April 16, 2019 I have deep Alberta roots. Genuinely – but this does not preclude other voices. My great-grandparents homesteaded in this…

Banff today: Visiting the heart of the Canadian Rockies

Banff and Region Today The actual Townsite of Banff – as differentiated from the National Park – is one of a few rare municipalities inside a protected, and nationally managed…

Banff – the birthplace of Canada’s Parks & Modern Tourism

“If we can’t export the scenery, we’ll have to import the tourists.” William Cornelius Van Horne, General Manager and subsequent President of the Canadian Pacific Railway, 1880’s Banff National Park,…

$10 Canadian – Empires, Resistance & Slavery

The new Canadian $10 bill has been released and it is visually impressive. It is of course plastic, see-through and has a woman’s face on one side. Canadians are accustomed…

100 Years since ‘The War to End all Wars’ …. What have we learned?

On November 11 each year, Canadians listen to John McRae’s poem: So many have died in vain In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That…

World Cup – From the Sidelines!

So what happens for us poor sods from a country with no horse in the race? The World Cup is everywhere and it is fun to get swept up into…

Food & Drink in the Canadian Rockies

As a guide and tour operator, so many questions I receive are food related. The Twomey Brothers enjoying a wine from the Twomey Cellars in Calfornia There is always bias…

The Rockies & Yellowstone

This has been a mountainous summer. Two countries, three jurisdictions, but just one time zone – mountain time (my time)! The University of Calgary Rather than travelling east-west, I have made…

Maligne Canyon – Perhaps the Best Winter Walk in the Rockies

Descending into the Canyon with my friend and guide, Randal Riddell Maligne Canyon Everyone who has travelled with me is acutely aware of my lifelong love affair with Jasper National…

Snow Kiting!

Sliding on our backsides, learning to use the kite! Patchy snow, but good wind! Speeding across snow and ice, powered by wind and remarkably little effort, I wonder why it…

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