
Welcome to the new 2me.Travel!

As promised, this is our new website, new image and new project. Thank you for your interest and support.

So what’s new?

Well, we’ve switched platforms for a myriad of technical reasons. This has been an enormous amount of work and I would like to personally thank Gwen at for going way beyond in making all this happen.

What you can find on our new website:

  • An interactive calendar! This will be populated gradually, but longer term, we will be easier to find and follow. This will help balance virtual, local and international tours
  • Tour planning! We will develop up to three years of potential tours. When enough interest is shown in a date or destination, we can make the tour ‘go live’ and start planning in earnest (generally this will take 10 people showing interest)
  • Easy-to-find step-on guiding in Banff & the Canadian Rockies. This part of our business is extremely important to us. For tour companies looking for a local guide, we can provide ‘step-on (local) guides’ for tour coaches in different languages
  • This will also apply to private, in-person tours – which can be booked!
  • Links to our social media pages and on-line presence including YouTube, Instagram & virtual travel platforms
  • An easy sign-up process for newsletters, and contact page for inquiries
  • A new logo with a virtual-first approach to travel and connecting people from around the world
  • For those who would like to support our creativity with direct donations, we hope this website makes that easy (thank you warmly to those who have kindly chosen to make fixed monthly contributions)

Behind the scenes we are working with different tour companies and virtual platforms. We have engaged some assistance and hope to introduce a fuller team sometime in 2023. Many of the guides and companies you know and love will be invited to link their events here on our site!

Why the new branding and website?

Our world changed during the pandemic. 2me Travel was growing, with exciting plans leading into 2020, then the whole world closed down. Our industry literally ceased to be. Oddly, I once wrote a thesis at grad school about ‘counter-cyclical tourism’ (when everything changes). I will forever be grateful to the Federal Government for the support they provided during this exceptional time.

After an initial quarantine, then lockdown, then moving house, our world went virtual! A few months into the pandemic I picked up a few small writing contracts and some early ‘virtual touring’ attempts. Then my friend and Guardian Angel, Deb W began sending me links to virtual platforms. On December 29, 2020 I gave an interactive zoom presentation to well over 10K people!

Wow – we began connecting the world and bringing people back to nature and the Canadian Rockies through virtual tours. Bringing beauty, laughter and community to people around the world is an honour. This democratization of travel is deeply consistent with our values.

Teenager Finn began giving tours, too! We spread the word as quickly as possible and we know these virtual platforms provided some desperately needed income to friends of ours in many countries.

Of course the virtual success has also created an entirely new set of tasks. A new community, new social media, new technology and a broad set of new costs – oh, and a lack of anonymity. We really were not ready for trolls and the attention that comes with being live and easily accessible.

The integration between virtual and in-person travel has been a challenge, but one that will be worth it long-term. 2me Travel is not just Patrick Twomey, but a broad network of like-minded guides and travel professionals. While we have not tried to monetize referrals, we do have a huge network of friends and colleagues, and a remarkable group of supporters.

We plan to grow our travel consultancy, public and private virtual tours, and several custom, international tour packages every year. When we lead tours for other companies we will offer those direct links. Nothing about 2me Travel needs to be exclusive.

We cannot thank you enough for your friendship. It is humbling to feel so supported. Personally, I hope to allow more time for research, writing and producing everything from short videos to interactive 3D experiences. I also love ‘being on the road’ – but I do hope never to have another 80+ flight year.

If you would like be a part of our community, subscribe to our new website. Peace and Love,

Patrick Twomey


  1. 😁

    1. Congratulations Patrick and all at 2me Travel. I look forward to lots more virtual tours and especially to seeing detail around proposed real tours. Love the new site & look forward to seeing it evolve. Am especially curious about & love the reference to the broad network of guides & travel professionals. How exciting, there are so many possibilities, this will be fun!

  2. Congratulations! The website looks great! Looking forward to loads more fantastic adventures with you (virtual and hopefully in-person!). Can’t wait to see what lays ahead for you! Wishing you much success across all platforms and media. 💕

  3. I’d like to try this!

  4. It’s great to see the is alive and well. It’s been a long time coming but worth the wait.I really like the photo of you, Patrick, as the master of all that you survey! Can’t wait for your next adventure.

  5. This is great Patrick! Your love and appreciation of travel is contagious and your inclusive nature is admirable. I’m glad to be part of your community!

  6. Hey Patrick! You were born an optimist!! I love your way with people, and how you handle everything life and mother nature throws at you. Since just getting home from the Canadian Rockies Tour you hosted for 16 of us, I am going to put my big girl pants on (literally) and start a eating healthy again. I did not mention that I still have 100# off, but I have gained 80# back. So – you are my inspiration. I want to be around for my grand boys. Your optimism and love for humanity, animals and this world, is contagious. Our whole group is beyond thankful for having you be our guide on this past trip. We all know how lucky we were to have you be our guide. You are AWESOME!!!!! Sincerely, Laurel and our entire group

    1. Hugs Laurel – lot’s travel again soon!

  7. Hi Patrick. I subscribed to your private platform 3 months ago. I was wondering if you could check this out for sure, if you don’t mind. Please and thank you.. I love the variety that you bring as a guide.. Good job. I look forward to your upcoming adventures in the travel world. Thank you❤️

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